FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Map Service
URL http://<catalog-url>/<serviceName>/MapServer
Supported Operations Export Map  Identify  Find  Generate KML
Parent Resource Catalog
Child Resources Map Tile   Layer / Table   Dynamic Layer / Table   Legend   All Layers / Tables   KML Image   Map Service Extension   WMTS   Info
Required Capability Map


Map services offer access to map and layer content. Map services can either be cached or dynamic. A map service that fulfills requests with pre-created tiles from a cache instead of dynamically rendering part of the map is called a cached map service. A dynamic map service requires the server to render the map each time a request comes in. Map services using a tile cache can significantly improve performance while delivering maps, while dynamic map services offer more flexibility. Map services should always be published as pooled services.

The REST API map service resource represents a map service. This resource works only with the default data frame of your published map document. This resource provides basic information about the map, including the layers that it contains, whether the map is cached or not, its spatial reference, initial and full extents, map units, and copyright text. It also provides some metadata associated with the service such as its service description, its author, and keywords. If the map is cached, then additional information about its tiling scheme such as the origin of the cached tiles, the levels of detail, and tile size is included. Note that multi-layer caches are only accessible in REST via export, and these requests are treated as a dynamic map service. Tile access is not supported in REST for multi-layer caches.

The map service resource supports several operations:

Map services do not expose editing capabilities. They provide read-only access to feature and attribute content.

New in 10.1

New in 10.0

New in 10.0 SP1

Resource Hierarchy

Map Service


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | kmz | lyr | nmf | jsapi | ve | gmaps
returnUpdates //This option was added at 10.1

Description: If value is true then returns updated time extent. If the service is not time-aware then returns an empty response.

Values: true | false
option //This parameter was added at 10.1

Description: If option is footprints the footprint of the map service is returned as a feature collection. This feature collection can be viewed in a map. This is supported when f=json only.

Value: footprints
outSR //This parameter was added at 10.1

Description: The spatial reference of the geometry returned in footprints. This parameter is supported only when option=footprints is specified.

The spatial reference should be specified as a well-known ID.

If outSR is not specified, the geometry is returned in GCS_WGS_1984.

Example Usage

Example 1: URL for the "ESRI_StateCityHighway_USA" map service on sampleserver1.

JSON Response Syntax

The following properties were added to the JSON response at 10.1

The following property was added to the JSON response at 9.3.1

"currentVersion": <currentVersion>, //Added at 10.0 SP1
"serviceDescription" : "<serviceDescription>",
"mapName" : "<mapName>"
"description": "<description>",
"copyrightText" : "<copyrightText>",
"supportsDynamicLayers" : <true|false>, //Added at 10.1
"layers": [ //the spatial layers published by this service
    "id" : <layerId1>, 
    "name" : "<layerName1>", 
    "defaultVisibility" : <true|false>, 
    "parentLayerId" : <parentLayerId1>,
    "subLayerIds" : [<subLayerId11>, <subLayerId12>]
    "minScale": <minScale1>, //Added at 10.0 SP1
    "maxScale": <maxScale1>
    "id" : <layerId2>, 
    "name" : "<layerName2>", 
    "defaultVisibility" : <true|false>, 
    "parentLayerId" : <parentLayerId2>,
    "subLayerIds" : [<subLayerId21>, <subLayerId22>]
    "minScale": <minScale1>,
    "maxScale": <maxScale1>
"tables": [ //the tables published by this service - from 10 onward
    "id" : <tableId1>, 
    "name" : "<tableName1>"
    "id" : <tableId2>, 
    "name" : "<tableName2>"
"spatialReference" : {<spatialReference>},
"singleFusedMapCache" : <true | false>,
"tileInfo": {
    "rows" : <rows>, "cols" : <cols>, "dpi" : <dpi>, "format" : <format>, "compressionQuality" : <quality>,
    "origin" : {<point>},
    "spatialReference" : {<spatialReference>},
    "lods": [
        {"level" : <level1>, "resolution" : <resolution1>, "scale" : <scale1> },
        {"level" : <level2>, "resolution" : <resolution2>, "scale" : <scale2> }
"initialExtent" : {<envelope>},
"fullExtent" : {<envelope>},
//from 10 onward - if the map supports querying and exporting maps based on time
"timeInfo" : {
  "timeExtent": [<startTime>, <endTime>],
  "timeReference": {
    "timeZone": "<timeZone>",
    "respectsDaylightSaving": <true | false>
  "timeRelation": "<esriTimeRelationOverlaps | esriTimeRelationOverlapsStartWithinEnd | esriTimeRelationAfterStartOverlapsEnd>",
  "defaultTimeInterval" : <time interval>,
  "defaultTimeIntervalUnits" : "<time interval units>",
  "defaultTimeInterval" : <time interval>,
  "defaultTimeWindow" : <time window>,
  "hasLiveData" : <true | false>,
"units" : "<units>",
"supportedImageFormatTypes" : "<supportedImageFormatTypes>",
"documentInfo": {
    "<key1>" : "<value1>",
    "<key2>" : "<value2>"
//comma separated list of supported capabilities - e.g. "Map,Query,Data"
"capabilities" : "<capabilities>",
"maxRecordCount" : <maxRecordCount>, //Added at 10.1
"maxImageHeight" : <maxImageHeight>, //Added at 10.1
"maxImageWidth" : <maxImageWidth>, //Added at 10.1
"minScale" : <minimum map scale>, //Added at 10.1
"maxScale" : <maximum map scale>, //Added at 10.1
"tileServers" : ["<tileServerUrl1>","<tileServerUrl2>","<tileServerUrl2>"], //Added at 10.1
"supportedQueryFormats" : "<query output formats>"

JSON Response Example

    "currentVersion": 10.1,
    "serviceDescription": "Test Map Service Description",
    "mapName": "Street Map Pro Data",
    "description": "Street Map USA",
    "copyrightText": "ESRI",
    "supportsDynamicLayers": false,
    "layers": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Cities",
            "defaultVisibility": true,
            "parentLayerId": -1,
            "subLayerIds": null,
            "minScale": 0,
            "maxScale": 0
            "id": 1,
            "name": "States",
            "defaultVisibility": true,
            "parentLayerId": -1,
            "subLayerIds": null,
            "minScale": 0,
            "maxScale": 0
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Counties",
            "defaultVisibility": false,
            "parentLayerId": -1,
            "subLayerIds": [
            "minScale": 0,
            "maxScale": 0
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Large Counties",
            "defaultVisibility": false,
            "parentLayerId": 2,
            "subLayerIds": null,
            "minScale": 0,
            "maxScale": 0
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Small Counties",
            "defaultVisibility": false,
            "parentLayerId": 2,
            "subLayerIds": null,
            "minScale": 0,
            "maxScale": 0
    "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 4326
    "singleFusedMapCache": true,
    "tileInfo": {
        "rows": 512,
        "cols": 512,
        "dpi": 96,
        "format": "JPEG",
        "compressionQuality": 75,
        "origin": {
            "x": -130,
            "y": 50
        "spatialReference": {
            "wkid": 4326
        "lods": [
                "level": 0,
                "resolution": 8.46,
                "scale": 32000
                "level": 1,
                "resolution": 4.23,
                "scale": 16000
                "level": 2,
                "resolution": 2.11,
                "scale": 8000
                "level": 3,
                "resolution": 1.05,
                "scale": 4000
                "level": 4,
                "resolution": 0.52,
                "scale": 2000
    "initialExtent": {
        "xmin": -109.55,
        "ymin": 25.76,
        "xmax": -86.39,
        "ymax": 49.94,
        "spatialReference": {
            "wkid": 4326
    "fullExtent": {
        "xmin": -130,
        "ymin": 24,
        "xmax": -65,
        "ymax": 50,
        "spatialReference": {
            "wkid": 4326
    "units": "esriDecimalDegrees",
    "supportedImageFormatTypes": "PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ",
    "documentInfo": {
        "Title": "StreetMap USA.mxd",
        "Author": "ESRI Data Team",
        "Comments": "ESRI Data and Maps 2004",
        "Subject": "Street level data for the US",
        "Category": "vector",
        "Keywords": "StreetMap USA"
    "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data",
    "maxRecordCount": 1000,
    "maxImageHeight": 2048,
    "maxImageWidth": 2048,
    "minScale": 0,
    "maxScale": 0,
    "tileServers": ["http://myserver/arcgis/rest/services/basemap/MapServer","http://myserver2/arcgis/rest/services/basemap/MapServer"],
    "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, AMF"

Example 2: When requesting updated information from the service:

JSON Response Syntax

      startTime, endTime

JSON Response Example

      1230768000000, 1243814400000

Example 3: When requesting footprint for a service:


JSON Response Syntax

    "featureCollection": {
        "layers": [
                "layerDefinition": {
                    "type": "Feature Layer",
                    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
                    "extent": {
                    "objectIdField": "id",
                    "displayFieldName": "<displayFieldName>",
                    "drawingInfo": {
                        "renderer": {
                            "type": "simple",
                            "label": "<label>",
                            "description": "",
                            "symbol": {
                                "height": 24,
                                "xoffset": 0,
                                "yoffset": 0,
                                "width": 24,
                                "contentType": "image/png",
                                "type": "esriPMS",
                                "imageData": "<imageData>",
                                "url": "<imageUrl>"
                    "fields": [
                            "name": "id",
                            "alias": "ID",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeOID"
                            "name": "title",
                            "alias": "Title",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "summary",
                            "alias": "Summary",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "description",
                            "alias": "Description",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "tags",
                            "alias": "Tags",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "type",
                            "alias": "Type",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "thumbnail",
                            "alias": "Thumbnail",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "xmin",
                            "alias": "xmin",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                            "name": "ymin",
                            "alias": "ymin",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                            "name": "xmax",
                            "alias": "xmax",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                            "name": "ymax",
                            "alias": "ymax",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                            "name": "accessInformation",
                            "alias": "Access Information",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "licenseInfo",
                            "alias": "License Information",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "credits",
                            "alias": "Credits",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "link",
                            "alias": "Link",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                            "name": "arcgisJslink",
                            "alias": "ArcgisJsLink",
                            "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                "featureSet": {
                    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
                    "spatialReference": {
                        "wkid": <wkid>
                    "features": [
                            "geometry": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "id": 1,
                                "title": "<title>",
                                "summary": "<summary>",
                                "description": "<description>",
                                "tags": "[\"<tag1>\,\"<tag2>\"]",
                                "type": "MapServer",
                                "thumbnail": "<thumbnailUrl>",
                                "xmin": <xmin>,
                                "ymin": <ymin>,
                                "xmax": <xmax>,
                                "ymax": <ymax>,
                                "accessInformation": "<accessInformation>",
                                "licenseInfo": "<licenseInfo>",
                                "credits": "<credits>",
                                "link": "<serviceResourceLink>",
                                "arcgisJslink": "<View in JSAPI Link>"
                "popupInfo": {
                    "title": "{title} ({type})",
                    "fieldInfos": [
                            "fieldName": "id",
                            "label": "ID",
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "title",
                            "label": "Title",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "summary",
                            "label": "Summary",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "description",
                            "label": "Description",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "tags",
                            "label": "Tags",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "type",
                            "label": "Type",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "thumbnail",
                            "label": "Thumbnail",
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "xmin",
                            "label": "xmin",
                            "format": {
                                "places": 2,
                                "digitSeparator": false
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "ymin",
                            "label": "ymin",
                            "format": {
                                "places": 2,
                                "digitSeparator": false
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "xmax",
                            "label": "xmax",
                            "format": {
                                "places": 2,
                                "digitSeparator": false
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "ymax",
                            "label": "ymax",
                            "format": {
                                "places": 2,
                                "digitSeparator": false
                            "visible": false
                            "fieldName": "accessInformation",
                            "label": "Access Information",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "licenseInfo",
                            "label": "License Information",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "credits",
                            "label": "Credits",
                            "visible": true
                            "fieldName": "link",
                            "label": "Link",
                            "visible": true
                    "description": null,
                    "showAttachments": false,
                    "mediaInfos": [
                            "type": "image",
                            "caption": "Initial Extent: [{xmin}, {ymin}] - [{xmax}, {ymax}]",
                            "value": {
                                "sourceURL": "{thumbnail}",
                                "linkURL": "{arcgisJslink}"

JSON Response Example

                    "type":"Feature Layer",
 "fields": [
                      "name": "id",
                      "alias": "ID",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeOID"
                      "name": "title",
                      "alias": "Title",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "summary",
                      "alias": "Summary",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "description",
                      "alias": "Description",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "tags",
                      "alias": "Tags",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "type",
                      "alias": "Type",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "thumbnail",
                      "alias": "Thumbnail",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "xmin",
                      "alias": "xmin",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                      "name": "ymin",
                      "alias": "ymin",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                      "name": "xmax",
                      "alias": "xmax",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                      "name": "ymax",
                      "alias": "ymax",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
                      "name": "accessInformation",
                      "alias": "Access Information",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "licenseInfo",
                      "alias": "License Information",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "credits",
                      "alias": "Credits",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "link",
                      "alias": "Link",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
                      "name": "arcgisJslink",
                      "alias": "ArcgisJsLink",
                      "type": "esriFieldTypeString"

                                "id": 1,
                        "title": "Maps/Brazil",
                        "summary": "",
                        "description": "",
                        "tags": "[\"Brazil\"]",
                        "type": "MapServer",
                        "thumbnail": "http://sampleserver/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Brazil/MapServer/info/thumbnail",
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                        "xmax": -3967497.083911836,
                        "ymax": -1127922.6881048125,
                        "accessInformation": "",
                        "licenseInfo": "",
                        "credits": "",
                        "link": "http://sampleserver/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Brazil/MapServer",
                        "arcgisJslink": "http://sampleserver/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Brazil/MapServer?f=jsapi"
                "title": "{title} ({type})",
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                "description": null,
                "showAttachments": false,
                "mediaInfos": [
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                    "caption": "Initial Extent: [{xmin}, {ymin}] - [{xmax}, {ymax}]",
                    "value": {
                      "sourceURL": "{thumbnail}",
                      "linkURL": "{arcgisJslink}"